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Serving Richmond and Chesapeake VA areas

Senior Care News

The Effects of Storytelling on the Well-Being of Senior Adults

Storytelling can improve your senior family member’s wellness and preserve their memory.


Many senior adults love storytelling. It gives them a sense of pride to be able to share their experiences with their loved ones, especially the ones that can teach them valuable lessons.

Storytelling can improve your senior family member’s wellness and preserve their memory. The activity allows them to recall all those moments in their past, keeping their mind active. It is also useful for increasing their characteristics of happiness and resilience.

Life’s At Home Care believes that some senior adults who have less social interaction become lost in the process of aging. They also develop an attitude where they think that they have no story left to tell, making them feel empty and depressed. It is in that process where their health status declines rapidly. Do not let that happen!

When your senior loved one tells a story, they feel happy, especially when you ask questions. Make sure to ask the questions that can help them recall their happiest moments. Laugh and cry with them. Believe it or not, you can never hear a better story than those that are told by the old and wise.

It is essential that your senior loved one gets regular family visits so that they do not feel isolated from the world. It may also be beneficial for them if they have a daily companion or companion care in Virginia Beach, VA  or the surrounding areas to keep them company in case none of the family members are available.

If your senior loved one needs companion care in Virginia Beach, VA or the surrounding area, we have dedicated and friendly staff who can accommodate their needs. They can assist with the housework and meal preparations. The can also be someone with whom they can share their feelings, sentiments, and stories.

If you want to get more details on care services, call a Medicaid provider in Virginia today!

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