You may begin to notice changes with your senior parent as they age. They may start forgetting things like their medication, doctor’s appointments, or laundry. At first, you step in to help them out, reminding them about their prescriptions, giving them a ride to the local clinic, and doing the laundry for them. However, over time, you will realize that your elderly loved one has grown to become dependent on you to get through the day.
It can be a difficult transition — you becoming your senior parent’s child to their family caregiver. You will encounter challenges in handling additional tasks on top of your life priorities. Because you are also not trained to manage situations like your parent’s health changes, you become confused as to what to do.
You can help prepare their meals, assist them with their baths, and do housekeeping, but choosing the right words to comfort them when they feel sad about their health can drain you emotionally, as stressed by our experts in Life’s At Home Care.
However, when you appoint a Chesapeake elder care expert to care for your senior parent, you will marvel at how at ease they are in performing caregiving tasks. That is because giving quality care is what they are trained to do.
Having an in home aide in Chesapeake allows you to continue with your life priorities with the assurance that you senior parent has someone who can look after their home and personal care needs.
If you want to reach a medicaid provider in Virginia to get more information on assistance services, you are welcome to contact us.